Feedback after the very FIRST class! Imagine how YOU might feel after the FIFTH class!?! Next 5 Week Online Childbirth Class begins on 10/25! Register today to receive your materials before class starts. Contact Denby: 803-667-1371 ~ [email protected]
Tag: birth center birth
by happiestbirthstaff Tags: birth center birth, Denby Beauchamp, Dr. Thomas Walter OBGYN, Drug-free birth, epidural, Hartley Chiropractic Center, HypnoBirthing, mongan method, natural birth, pain-free birth, Tampa Bay, Water Birth
Why Invest in a Quality Childbirth Class?
Have you ever wondered WHY you should invest in a childbirth class?? But, not just any childbirth class, a class that will help you build confidence and trust in your body, your baby and Nature’s way of birthing. A class that will enable you to feel more empowered and engaged to act as an advocate…