This is such a *Magical* time of year, as we look back on the past year and give thanks for our blessings and look forward to a fresh New Year filled with so many hopes and dreams for what may come! I’m so grateful for all of the wonderful families that have allowed me…
Adjust Your Daily Household Chores
In case each weekend you’re having this frenzy of taking a mop and cleaning all of your house from top to bottom, then you may want to rethink this part of your life now, as you’ve become pregnant. The matter of the fact…
Educate Yourself
Just as it goes with everything else, knowing about the situation you’re caught into is useful. And the more you know on any given subject (which in our case is a pregnancy), the more you are prepared for it. So, even if it is not your first experience, attending a childbirth…
The Importance of Exercising for Future Moms
Yep, contrary to some widespread false belief that women who are pregnant should just stay at home and lie on the couch idly, the importance of a healthy dose of physical activity for moms-to-be cannot be overestimated, really…
Take a Prenatal Vitamin
Well, people are nowadays used to taking vitamins even when they’re not ill or going through such a body-changing and immune system exhausting process like the pregnancy is. So it’s more the reason for women who are waiting to strengthen their own immune system by taking some of these vitamins. So, on top of the…
Pen a Birth Plan
While some men think that there’s no planning behind the labor day, the reality is much more different. In fact, the amount of things that you need to write down on your wish-list is tremendous with all parts of it very important. Determined to have a doula? Counting on that epidural? Write down your wishes…
Exercise Using Kegels
While we cannot stress out enough just how crucial exercising, in general, is for you and your future baby, the same we will be ranting here about how important and good the kegel exercise is for you. Doing this small routine on a daily manner is known to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which support…