HypnoBirthing® is a simple, straightforward program, thoughtfully developed over the years to remind mothers of the simplicity of birth itself. Just as the majority of birthing women do not need interventions and procedures for safe and healthy birth, they do not need a complex set of exercises and scripts to prepare themselves for peaceful, calm and comfortable birthing. The birthing body and the baby know just what to do. HypnoBirthing® is designed to teach women to trust in Nature’s way of birth and to relax and let their bodies do what is needed. By practicing a few key techniques, mothers program their minds and condition their bodies to birth easily. When it comes to programming and conditioning, variety is not necessarily a good thing. Repetition is what gets the best result.
Click Below to Watch & Learn How HypnoBirthing® Delivers:
HypnoBirthing®: Taking the Birthing World by Calm
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