HypnoMothering - A Gentle Transition into Motherhood

New to Motherhood??

Having a new baby or even a young child can leave many moms feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and worried that they’re doing it ALL wrong! Sound familiar??

If that’s you or someone you know, this class is just for YOU!

HypnoMothering® is a single session, 2.5 hour long class that will help restore calm, balance, joy and confidence as you learn to create a “new normal” that works for you….and everyone around you! This fun, practical session is for moms only, where you will learn self hypnosis techniques specifically targeted to challenges new moms face.

This class covers everything from making the most of limited sleep, enhancing bonding, developing maternal instincts, finding focus and mindfulness amidst the myriad of feelings that come with being a new mother.

A gentle transition into motherhood with hypnobirth